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Home Insulation
You've dreamed of having a new home of your own for a long time, and now here you are, looking at the building plans! Of course, you want your home to be comfortable – warm in the winter, cool in the summer.
ContinuedWall Insulation
It's a well-known fact that walls are an important source of heat loss. As a result, the better you insulate your building envelope, the more you will be able to invest, in the medium term, on something else than house repairs – your RSPs, for example!
ContinuedBasement Insulation
Your basement is a large area that is critical to your insulation: according to Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency, an uninsulated basement increases energy consumption by 25% or more!
ContinuedAttic & Roof Insulation
"To have a good roof over one’s head": this very expression says how important this part of your home is! It is a well-known fact that heat rises, and your roof – the barrier between you and the open sky – is what prevents it from escaping. Therefore, it must be as airtight as possible!
ContinuedFloor & Ceiling Insulation
A basement’s concrete slab must be well insulatedWe would also like to draw your attention to three features: Heated floors, Overhanging floors, Floors above a garage
What is music to one person’s ears is noise to another’s, and vice versa. In other words, our perception of "noise" is subjective. Subjective or not, if you're building a new house, you’ll want to establish the noise levels to which you are willing to be exposed beforehand. As a general rule, the more airtight your house, the less you’ll be disturbed by noise.
ContinuedMore Than Financial Support For Insulation – An Incentive To Save!
Renovating? Then you might find this Québec government program useful: its objective is to increase your EnerGuide rating. A significant part of the funding goes towards thermal insulation. Depending on your financial situation, you can receive up to several thousand dollars.