Insulation: More Than an Option – A Legal Obligation
A new thermal insulation standard, adopted by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ), has been in force since August 30, 2012. It is aimed at fostering energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).
For example, envelopes of new buildings must now be covered seamlessly – either from the outside, from the inside or a combination of both – with insulation materials that have a value of R-4.
The diagram below will help you visualize the requirements of the recent energy-saving regulations.

The new standard requires that thermal bridges be covered with a continuous insulation that has a value of R-4.
Note that the RBQ has the power to issue orders that can apply to contractors and building owners, as well as people who build their own homes. Offenders are subject to severe penalties.